This is English version of article just before 「ねえ。」.
Translation function was included in this blog, but made it because it was too different from an original Japanese nuance in translation.
Because I am weak in English, was wrong; may be expressed.Please forgive it if wrong.

When you run on a motorcycle, what kind of time is it at most comfortable ?
My darling,
Is there the favorite place that you always go?
My darling,
When you enter the corner,after all,do you lean your body and your motorcycle?
… Isn't it scary?
My darling,
Do you run on a motorcycle on the rainy day?
…and have you fallen down?
Have you ever raced on the street?
My darling,
Have you intended to give up having a motorcycle once?
My darling,
Do you sing a song even when running on a motorcycle?
My darling,
Do you want to go for a run on a motorcycle alone now?
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